Communicate, communicate, communicate!

Communication with your child’s teacher is an important part of their education. As an administrator, I enjoy reading our weekly notes that teachers send out. They provide parents with a snapshot into their child’s week, pictures of some of the activities they enjoyed, and develop the relationship between parents and their child’s teacher. Parents look forward to the weekly insight into the classroom activities that their child may not have spoken about. (“What did you do at school today? Nothing” is a common conversation in the car for many families!)

In addition to keeping parents up-to-date on the classroom, it provides talking points at home, providing parents with the opportunity to be further involved in their child’s learning. Teachers can offer parents ideas on games to play, how to set up a reading nook at home, ways to encourage your child to write, and favourite classroom apps to try at home. The engagement of parents in their child’s education benefits everyone, and therefore communication from the teacher is paramount in fostering that relationship.