While ‘Happy New Year’ is usually reserved as an expression used a few months from
now, September is a meaningful ‘fresh start’ in the educational world!
This year Star launched our professional development week in August with lots of
‘rethinking’ how we do things, based on our summer read of Adam Grant’s Hidden
As a hands-on learning task, teachers paired up to consider our Five Pillars of Child
Development, originally designed by our founder, Belinda Bernardo, and we updated
them for 2024 while mentoring new teachers in our attention to the whole child. While
we didn’t change ‘what we do’, we did update ‘what they said’.
Highlights of our Pillars:
Global: Children develop a global awareness of their world by using stories that
include social issues and diverse monthly themes.
Social: Our educators can closely monitor each student’s development, tailoring
support to foster both academic and social growth. Social learning is integrated
throughout the school day—in the classroom, at recess, and during teacher-led clubs.
Academic: Purposeful planning that includes both learning and transferable skills are a
key component of learning at Star. Public speaking and presentation opportunities
throughout the school year are a key teaching component where students share their
learning with the larger school.
Emotional: With a strong emotional foundation, children are better equipped to step
outside their comfort zone and take risks, learning to use the language of ‘I can’t do this
YET’ in the development of their mindset.
Physical: At Star Academy, our daily physical education programme and optional
sports clubs provide an opportunity for movement each day. Our students develop the
confidence to try new physical activities, sports and games at school.
September has many school-wide events that demonstrate the Five Pillars in action:
Family BBQ, Dot Day, Truth and Reconciliation Day, Terry Fox Guest Speaker and Run,
Overnight Camp for Grades 5-8 and field trip for Kindergarten to Grade 4. October is
also full of activity, joining other schools for a cross-country meet, a food drive, the Walk
for Wenjack and more!
We are kicking off this ‘new year’ with enthusiasm and engagement in our small school.